Getting away every chance we can

We have been in Houston for only  two months, but it has felt like an eternity.  It's been an transitory  two months as we try to not get too attached to our surroundings and remain hopeful for what is next; however we aren't getting much feedback about the move to Australia.  As Todd's company adjusts to the downturn in the economy, we've become less hopefully that Australia is going to happen and more concerned about what's next.Of course we can't complain too much because we are living without any housing expenses; so we are just trying to take this time for what it is, save money and spend our time visiting family and getting away and having fun as often as we can.So far we have spent a weekend in Galveston and taken advantage of our closeness to the water to take sailing lessons.  We got our ASA 101 certification last weekend and next month we are going back to get our ASA 103&104.This weekend we are taking advantage of the long, holiday weekend to head to our time share in Cancun and relax.  We plan to spend a day SCUBA diving and of course trying out our newly gained sailing skills.Kelly purchased this time share right after we met and we have only visited 4 times in the 12 years since we met.  In those 12 years the hotel has changed name three times and ownership twice, but it has  been a consistent place to come and relax.  We threaten to get rid of it every year and every year we decide it's worth keeping.Day 2:Today we SCUBA dive.  It's been over a year since our last dive so we wanted a refresher and we have purchased regulators that we wanted to try out.  So with those two things in mind we booked a two dive trip with SCUBA Cancun, whom we have dove with before.On the first dive we came upon a large green turtle that did not seem to be bothered by our presence. He floated around feeding and swimming along side of us for quite a while. It was a good drift dive with plenty of fish and small coral formations.The second dive was another relaxing drift dive - this location was filled with large schools of fish darting around.  The regulators seemed to be performing well on both dives, with Todd coming up from the first dive with more air than Kelly (definitely a first!).After we were done with our dive we headed back to our resort to relax and enjoy the all inclusive amenities.  While relaxing on the beach late in the evening, we think we have discovered what we are considering the 10th level of hell that Dante was not yet aware of when he wrote the Inferno...  Beach maintenance! It may sound silly, but as most people slept we watched hotel employees spend hours in tasks such as raking the beach and meticulously removing the seaweed that had washed up on shore. Of course, first thing in the morning the beach will be covered in footprints and the seaweed will continue to accumulate endlessly ( waves were bringing more seaweed even as the poor worker hauled another wheelbarrow full of the endless stuff) yet every night hours of time are put into this fruitless effort to make the beach look nice for us guests...Day 3:Today is a lazy day.  We slept in and rolled out of bed around lunch time.  The resort has an area on the beach where you can walk up and use any of the available equipment.  We saw two catamarans and since we just got certified to sail we thought we would take one out to practice.  When we asked the employee manning the area about the catamarans he just laughed and in broken English he informed us they were not working and just for show.Since sailing was out, Todd grabbed a kayak and Kelly pulled out a SUP board and we paddled around the inlet. Aside from a short walk down the road, the rest of the day involved being lazy in different beds and swings on the beach and some time swimming in the ocean.  We are forcing ourselves to just relax for this vacation and while neither of us do that well, we gave it our best effort today.Day 4:Sadly we head back home today. This trip was just what we needed, a chance to relax, disconnect from work and reconnect with each other.   We have decided we need to use this timeshare more often for a couple of quick getaways each year; it is a  perfect spot for us to recharge over a long weekend.  So until next time, Adios Cancun!


Smokey Mountain Anniversary


House Hunting Down Under